I want to buy a reunion ticket or update my biography

To purchase tickets, RSVP or update your biography, click the green “Find Me” button to locate your record by name. If we already have your email address on file, you can enter it on the line below before clicking the "Find Me" button for faster locating.

I am organizing a reunion

Use ReunionDB to automate time consuming tasks when planning your high school reunion so you can focus on the fun! Sell tickets online, send group emails, track monies, print name tags and find more classmates quicker to ensure a large turnout!

Committee Access Only

Find Me Filter

Type your last name (in high school):
Type your legal first name:
Type the name of your high school:
Classmate ID Client ID Last Name First Name High School Name High School City State Grad Yr Reunion Date

Optional Biography Info

Occupation: (40 char max)
First Name: (that you go by)
Family: (80 char max)
Married Name:  
Interests: (80 char max)
Biography / Memorable Life Experiences: (600 char & 10 line max)
Misc: (admin use only)

Duplicate Login Warning!

It appears that you may already be logged into your database on this same device.

Please be sure to never log in to the database more than once on the same device, as this can cause serious data integrity issues.

Ensure that all other ReunionDB tabs, windows and/or browsers are closed, then you can attempt to log in again.

ReunionDB Privacy Policy

The information contained in this database is intended for the sole use of registered ReunionDB customers and ReunionDB support staff only.

ReunionDB reserves the right to use our databases for "opt-in" opportunities only and complies with all current anti-spam legislation.

Any classmate who wishes to be placed on a "Do Not Contact" list can make that request to their reunion planner and the classmate's record can be immediately updated to reflect their request.